If you're looking for some stunning Russian horse names, stick around! We came up with amazing ideas for your new stallion or mare!
Check out our list and pick an interesting name inspired by Russian mythology, culture, and people!
For a quick glance of the Russian horse names, see the table below. Read further for the complete list.
Related: 400+ Spanish Horse Names
Here are the list of Russian names for males
Russian Horse Names for Stallion |
Russian Horse Names for Gelding |
Russian Horse Names for Mare |
Russian Horse Names for Filly |
Abel |
Aiden |
Agata |
Anya |
Brody |
Bryan |
Belka |
Dinara |
Carlos |
Elias |
Czarina |
Elena |
Dima |
Foma |
Darya |
Ina |
Enzo |
Grady |
Gala |
Kira |
Felix |
Jake |
Eva |
Mila |
Gavin |
Jax |
Inga |
Neli |
Hayden |
Karol |
Kira |
Rasa |
Igor |
Maximus |
Lara |
Sonia |
Jesse |
Sean |
Tanya |
Zia |
475 Russian Horse Names
When it comes to horse names, every new owner becomes particularly picky.
After all, this is going to be the identity of the amazing animal for the rest of their life.
If you are scouring books and websites for exotic names for your horse, you will love our suggestions.
They can add a touch of Russian nobility to your horse's personality!
So check out our lists!
120 Russian Horse Names for Stallion
Let's face it - Russian men are as gorgeous as French, British, or Spanish, or Indian boys.
Their names are a true reminder of their amazing looks and personalities.
If you have a stallion in your stable who is the epitome of similar glamour, you should definitely give him a Russian horse name that befits him.
Here's a list of Russian horse names for gorgeous male horses.
- Abel
- Adam
- Adonis
- Adrian
- Adriel
- Adrik
- Akim
- Alexei
- Alik
- Amari
- Anastas
- Anatoly
- Andres
- Andrusha
- Andry
- Archer
- Arkadi
- Arkhip
- Arlo
- Artem
- Artyom
- Ashton
- Beau
- Becket
- Bogdan
- Brandon
- Braxton
- Brody
- Bryse
- Caden
- Carlos
- Carpus
- Cheslav
- Chesley
- Colt
- Comanche
- Cyzarine
- Dawson
- Denis
- Dima
- Edvard
- Elliot
- Emilio
- Emilliano
- Enzo
- Eriks
- Felix
- Filat
- Foka
- Garsha
- Gavin
- Gennadi
- Gennadious
- George
- Gerasim
- Gleb
- Gregory
- Griffin
- Grisha
- Hayden
- Hedeon
- Hermolaos
- Holden
- Igor
- Ilari
- Innesa
- Ioann
- Ipati
- Ippolet
- Isidor
- Ivann
- Ivano
- Jacob
- Jasper
- Jayce
- Jeremy
- Jesse
- Joel
- Juan
- Judah
- Kaleb
- Kasztanka
- Kenneth
- Kirill
- Kliment
- Knox
- Kobe
- Konstantin
- Kostya
- Kuzma
- Kyrie
- Lesta
- Luka
- Marengo
- Mark
- Matteo
- Milo
- Nash
- Oleg
- Olezka
- Patrick
- Pavel
- Phoniex
- Preston
- Redrum
- Remington
- Rodion
- Rolan
- Seabiscuit
- Simyon
- Tanner
- Theo
- Thiago
- Timothy
- Tristan
- Valegro
- Vova
- Vyacheslav
- Zachari
- Zayden
120 Russian Horse Names for Geldings
The sense of strength and masculinity associated with Russian men reflect in their names.
No wonder Russian names for male horses sound exude power!
If the stallion in your stable is no less than a powerful exotic creature, he deserves a name that sounds just as impressive.
So check out our list of Russian names for strong male horses.
- Agrafena
- Aiden
- Avgini
- Avstin
- Beckham
- Bowen
- Bryan
- Callum
- Cayden
- Ciaro
- Clark
- Colson
- Damian
- Danila
- Demid
- Derek
- Dmitry
- Domenica
- Edvin
- Elias
- Ellis
- Eve
- Faddey
- Fadeyka
- Feofan
- Ferapont
- Foma
- Fyodora
- Garret
- Gavryl
- Georgiy
- Gepotenuza
- Grady
- Hayash
- Hayes
- Igor
- Iker
- Ioann
- Iosif
- Irenus
- Jake
- Jared
- Jasha
- Javiur
- Jax
- Jaxton
- Jaylen
- Jeffrey
- Johnny
- Kaden
- Karol
- Kazmir
- Kirill
- Kliment
- Komari
- Kuzma
- Kyer
- Lane
- Lazar
- Lazor
- Lenoid
- Leonel
- Leonti
- Lev
- Luis
- Luka
- Lyonya
- Makar
- Marco
- Mason
- Matvey
- Maxim
- Maximus
- Mels
- Michailie
- Modest
- Nicholai
- Nico
- Ninel
- Nolan
- Odin
- Omar
- Osip
- Otto
- Pyotr
- Raymond
- Reid
- Renim
- Sacha
- Sean
- Sefan
- Senya
- Sergio
- Sevastyan
- Silas
- Simon
- Spartak
- Stephen
- Suvvilian
- Tate
- Tima
- Titus
- Traktor
- Varlaam
- Vase
- Vasili
- Vasyl
- Vaughn
- Venyamin
- Viktor
- Vitali
- Vitya
- Vladimir
- Wade
- Waylan
- Wesley
- Wyatt
- Yakim
- Yaroslava
- Zane
Find the perfect name for your stallion with our "male horse names" video - check it out now:
120 Russian Horse Names for Mares
If Russian men are exotic and powerful, can women be far behind?
Some of the most beautiful women in the world are from Russia, and they dominate the world.
Supermodels, actresses, dancers: Russian women are no less than fabulous - and so are their names.
- Adalina
- Adelaida
- Afya
- Agafa
- Agafiya
- Agata
- Aglaya
- Agnessa
- Agnia
- Akilina
- Aleksandra
- Alena
- Alla
- Alvyra
- Ananya
- Anastasia
- Anfisa
- Anna
- Anoushka
- Antonina
- Ariadna
- Ariana
- Athena
- Audrey
- Avdotya
- Avelina
- Avenira
- Avgusta
- Avgustina
- Aviafa
- Belka
- Boleslava
- Brielle
- Cassandra
- Caterina
- Cecily
- Christina
- Chulpan
- Cyzarine
- Czarina
- Darya
- Delilah
- Denisa
- Diana
- Donca
- Eleanor
- Elizeveta
- Eva
- Feodora
- Florentina
- Gala
- Galina
- Grusha
- Inessa
- Inga
- Irya
- Isidora
- Isla
- Ivana
- Jelena
- Julija
- Karina
- Katerina
- Katia
- Katina
- Katinka
- Katiya
- Kenya
- Khioniya
- Kira
- Kitana
- Klara
- Ksenia
- Kunisa
- Kurkova
- Lada
- Lana
- Lara
- Layla
- Lizabeta
- Luiza
- Lusha
- Lyanka
- Lyla
- Lyrina
- Lyudmila
- Mackenzie
- Marfa
- Marylova
- Melania
- Nastasya
- Natalia
- Nataliya
- Natasha
- Nevaeh
- Ninotchka
- Nonna
- Oksana
- Paulina
- Penelope
- Peyton
- Polina
- Praskovya
- Rada
- Rasa
- Ravshana
- Sanvi
- Serenity
- Snezana
- Stanislava
- Stefaniya
- Tamara
- Tanya
- Valentina
- Vivca
- Vivienne
- Yanina
- Zariyah
- Zenaida
- Zigesarika
115 Russian Horse Names for Fillies
If there's one thing Russian women are known for, it's their strength and agility.
From figure skaters to superheroes, Russian women are everywhere, and their names portray such amazingness.
You can surely consider Russian female names for your strong and sporty mare.
Take a look at the list of cute female horse names for fillies.
- Adelaisya
- Agrafena
- Alana
- Alyona
- Anya
- Arisa
- Arishiya
- Atina
- Avenira
- Avlida
- Avreliya
- Avtonoma
- Cherishka
- Dinara
- Domika
- Doroteya
- Ekaterina
- Elena
- Esther
- Evgenia
- Faina
- Felicia
- Fyo
- Gala
- Galochka
- Galya
- Glava
- Ina
- Inge
- Inger
- Ingrid
- Innes
- Ira
- Irena
- Irene
- Irisha
- Katyusha
- Kira
- Larisa
- Lasika
- Latsya
- Lyubov
- Lyurova
- Manya
- Margosha
- Mariosa
- Marsha
- Marta
- Maryana
- Mila
- Milica
- Miriem
- Mischa
- Moya
- Nadezhda
- Nadya
- Naksya
- Natalya
- Neli
- Nevena
- Nikita
- Nina
- Oksana
- Olga
- Panya
- Phaena
- Purviya
- Rachel
- Rafailya
- Raisa
- Rodya
- Rosa
- Ruslana
- Sabina
- Samara
- Sanya
- Sasha
- Sashenka
- Shura
- Sonia
- Sonya
- Svetlana
- Sweta
- Tasha
- Tashika
- Tatiana
- Toma
- Trashta
- Vana
- Vanya
- Vasilisa
- Venera
- Venus
- Verochka
- Veronika
- Vesna
- Violetta
- Vitalika
- Vladlena
- Vora
- Xinia
- Yamka
- Yana
- Yasmin
- Yelena
- Yeleya
- Yeva
- Zia
- Zibihya
- Zina
- Zinovia
- Zirisha
- Zora
- Zoya
- Zuria
Final Words
It's understandable if you do not want to give your horse a common name.
Exotic names from other languages sound gorgeous and are memorable additions to the identity of a horse.
Your stallion or mare may someday rule the racecourse - or forever remain your darling in the stable.
Either way, they deserve a name that's perfect. It can be a mythological name, a race horse name, or simply a name inspired by racehorses.
We hope that this Russian horse name list will help you find a name that you and your horse will love!
What are favorite Russian horse names on the above list? Please share with us!